Download Below
Latest Version: 1.0.2
Click on the icon for your operating system for the full install (includes the songs from Club Fantastic).
If you already have songs and just want the program, you can download just that as well.
Alternatively, download the portable build if you want all the game files contained in a single folder. It contains executables for all platforms, with only the Intel binary for macOS (which also works on M1). It does not contain any songs but it does contain binaries for all platforms.
You can find all releases/release notes → Here
Issues? File a bug → Here
Want to build from source? → Here
New Features
Ooooooh, shiny…
Built-In Networking
Make network requests from within the game itself. The GrooveStats Launcher is no longer required!
SRPG Unlock Downloading
Automatically download and unzip Stamina RPG unlocks directly from within the game. Reload them directly from the song wheel!
Simply Love
Comes with Simply Love pre-installed. Already updated to make use of all the new features!
More Secure
Fixed many vulnerabilities found in mainline StepMania.
Backwards Compatible
Use your favorite StepMania 5 theme with ITGmania (even with the GrooveStats Launcher if needed for the theme)!
And More!
Fast profile switching, player-specific visual delay, disable windows on a per-player basis, both rate mod types, etc.
Check out the GitHub below!
GitHubFrequently Asked Questions
What is ITGmania?
ITGmania is a fork of StepMania 5.1. It is an effort to make community-focused changes that can't otherwise be done solely through the theme. Some of these features include:
ITGmania is an effort led by Martin Natano and teejusb, who are the developers/maintainers of Simply Love. Other people who have contributed to ITGmania, either directly or indirectly are:
While the networking capabilities of the GrooveStats Launcher was a good development for the community, the implementation left a little to be desired as it was restricted by the capabilities of StepMania. ITGmania attempts to bridge that gap and build networking straight into the game itself, while additionally implementing many other features that are only possible by modifying the engine.
How can I contribute?
There are many ways you can contribute to this effort! Some examples are:
Vector-ifying the ITGmania logo Done! Thanks oyako!
Guides & Documentation
ITGmania Migration Guide
Helpful instructions to ease into the process of setting up ITGmania from a StepMania 5 setup.
ITGmania Lua API Reference
Lua documentation on the functions available to ITGmania.